January 14, 2009

A Blue Day...

Yesterday was my husband's birthday! I made a nice dinner for the family (steak fajitas) and
this Angel Food Birthday Cake.

This morning I woke up feeling about as "blue" as this cake...a germ crept into my house, decided that I was his victim and gave me "the bug"...ugh! I guess the only good part of it is that I have no appetite...and after all the holiday festivities that can't be bad, right?
My faithful little "Pearl" stayed by my side and kept me company....she wondered why I was staying in bed all day? Hopefully by tomorrow I will be a much lighter shade of "blue"!
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  1. What a sweet little friend you have!
    Feel better (:

  2. Oh! Hope you are feeling better soon! There is nothing like a loyal pet who stands guard over a sick family member, is there?


  3. Hope you are all better! Glad you had someone to keep you company!

  4. Hope you are feeling better. Thanks for stopping by my blog - come again.
    That looks like a dear little Papillon. Friends of mine have two.

  5. Hope you are feeling better! Guess what? You won the soup bowls giveaway on my blog! :) Congratulations! Please let me know your info so I can get your things sent out to you.

    By the way, your blog is really cute!


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