August 21, 2009

Friday Finds...

Garage Sales, Yard Sales, Tag them what you will...but they will be coming to an end soon here in Portland,
But today there were quite a few in my area, and in fact tomorrow there will be even more!
I am taking advantage before I have to bid them all adieu!
Here are just a few of my newly acquired treasures!

This watering can fountain was FREE...the lady wasn't sure how to make it work so she just gave it to us! Isn't it cute?

I got three of these faux grass plants...and this tin apple bucket too. The plants were 3/$2.00 and the bucket was actually overflowing with hazelnuts for only $1!

This "ancient" bread box was 25 cents!

I thought this old wooden shoe shine box would make some kind of neat holder...
how about my remotes?

This awesome metal basket actually I mean like it swings back and forth $1.
Even the little spoon rest is new...well at least to me only 10 cents!

My picture doesn't really do this small stained glass window are looking through it to my atrium! Once again $1.00!

This small rod iron lamp is the perfect size for my kitchen counter...hello $1.00!

Well there are a few of my "Friday Finds"...Tomorrow I am going to check out my sister Diane's blog. After is called "Saturday Finds"...hmmmm


  1. Oh, the bread box is my favorite find! You did great! WOW!

  2. You did great-

    I love your shoe shine box holding your remotes.


  3. You did good! I like the way you have your cookbooks in that wire basket. Smart girl!

  4. Wow....good shopping my friend! I love everything...bread box is for sure a winner! Happy weekend to you!

  5. wow!!! you got some wonderful stuff and I love that old bread how you have it all displayed..have a wonderful weekend.:)

  6. What a treasure trove of wonderful finds!! You have some really nice things there. I loved all of them. Lucky you!

  7. Wow, Carrie! I want to come shop garage sales with you! Those are some incredible finds!! I adore that little stained glass window! Sure wish I could find stuff like this at those kind of prices here! I'd have to hunt for weeks to find just one of those little gems!

    Hope your weekend is full of relaxation and fun!!

  8. Oh my, Carrie, I sure do wish I could hit the sales in your neighborhood! Seems like most folks around here try to get antique mall prices out of their older things. Love that breadbox and the darling little window. Wow, you got some steals - enjoy!!

  9. LOVE the stain glass window!! Very sweet!!! Our garage sales go thru Sept...or until the first snow .. LOL and I am having one after Labor day...
    Happy weekend :)
    Deb :)

  10. Great bargains!!! I haven't been to one garage sale this summer. Maybe I will get to some now that I am starting to get some strength back. Like I need more junk in my

  11. Carrie--
    SCORE-Wow great finds, I can't say which one I like the best! Love it all!!!
    Enjoy your Saturday.


  12. You sure did score, What great treasures. Good "Saturdayfinds" sis LOL!
    I am not sure which is my favorite, maybe the stain glass window and that is most likely because it is green. OX Your Sis

  13. Great finds at great prices!

  14. Dear Carrie, I have had the most fun catching up on your blog posts. I was so happy to see Chelsea Ann! What a small world! Your $1.00 finds are spectacular, I covet the green window! Please forgive me (short term memory difficulties) if I have thanked you already for your block, but just in case, I will do it again! You and your sister are so kind to have participated. I love both blocks. Your block is so me outside my cutesy blog life! I don't let cute escape my small craft room. Thank you again for helping to celebrate such a special year for me! Elizabeth

  15. wow! everything really "rocks" -- whether it can swing or not! wonderful treasures! way to go.


  16. Carrie,
    I also love yard sales. That is on our list every weekend. I too am sad they will be ending soon.

    Yesterday we bought a very old set of ski poles, made from bamboo and leather. Hubs checked on ebay just to see...they were selling for over $80. Of course, we just want them for a wall hanger in the basement.

    You sure have gotten some great finds. Keep up the good work.

  17. I'm starting to boo hoo also about the ending of my weekly Saturday Yard Sales..

    You were blessed with some AMAZING items....Thanks for sharing. We have quite similar tastes.

  18. I am drooling over the little stained glass window! Excellent finds and unbelievable prices. I need to come shop up there!

  19. Hello sweet!
    So nice and lovely to see your stopping by:) You such a lucky girl to have so many of lovely bargain finds!
    I am really adore all of your wonderful purchased:)


  20. OK, I'm green...with jealously! I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of it.great finds- really love the breadbox and the really did well!

  21. Such great deals. Good for you. I think if I had been at the same garage sales we would have been fighting over the same things. I also got some great deals at a garage sale yesterday. I should show the pictures. Our big flea market that takes place the first weekend of each month in the summer only has the last one in October. I haven't made it to any of them this summer, but hope to September 5.

  22. Hi, just wanted to leave you a comment to say that you have a totally cool blog. Really love your posts and you have great photo's too. Best wishes and have a great week....

  23. Thank you so much for your warm welcome back!!! I am so looking forward to catching up!!!

    Your finds are wonderful!!! Good job!!!

    Chat with you soon!!!

  24. Wow you did great! I can't believe she just gave the fountain away..

  25. That's quite a score! Especially love the (FREE!) fountain and that bread box! Wow. Thanks for sharing these. = )

  26. Wow, I just found you through Main Street Memories! What wonderful LOOT you found!!! Love the stained glass and the bread box... awesome. I also noticed your cookbooks in the wire basket. I think I have a basket in the garage... hmmm... may have to whip it out today and try that!

  27. Carrie, you really do have a cozy little blog.
    I love all the pictures of grandmas little needlework. Great score. hankies. Meeting Chelsea Ann at the show. Looked like you had a blast.
    Happy Anniversary also. We are on our 21st year together, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
    We have 3 children, 20,18,16.
    My wall art says: Real Love Stories never have endings.
    Just coming over to say hi to you and your beautiful family
    Love Claudie

  28. Wow. I'll have to come to your neck of the woods! You got some great little treasure there, and all at the right price! Nothing better than getting a good deal!


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