October 10, 2009

My Gratitude Giveaway!

I am really touched when I notice that a new friend has chosen to add my blog to their "dashboard"! I truly realize there are so many lovely blogs out there and we all have just so much time to visit our favorites! I really want to thank each of you that stop by Cottage Cozy from time to time and especially when you take a moment to leave me a kind comment!

It really warms my heart!

So each month I am going to have a special giveaway for all those on my "follower" list. You don't have to do a thing. Your name will automatically be placed into my "jar" at the end of each month for a chance to win my "expression of gratitude" gift!

My gift for October is this darling "Mom's Life" Magnet set from Carlton Cards. You move the little frame from square to square to let your family know what you are busy doing!
It's really cute...

Thanks again to you all...my blogging friends!


  1. What a sweet, cute and generous idea! You're a gem, Carrie! ♥

  2. That's the cutest thing ever :-) Oh, and your puppy Pearl? Braxon would sure like to meet her - he thinks she's one hot Mama!

  3. Thank you for having a giveaway just for being a follower.

  4. Cute giveaway! Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind comment. I hope to hear from you again.

  5. Hi Carrie, just trying to get caught up with my bloggy peeps this morning! I like the idea of a gratitude giveaway, though I dont think I could ever keep up with one a month! Have a great sunday! I have tomorrow off too..(Oh thank you GOD!) and am planning on two days of crafting!

  6. That is so sweet! Thanks!

  7. oh what a cute blog and love that folks don't have to do anything for your giveaway will also follow along Rebecca

  8. This is a great idea! Thanks for stopping over at my blog. I enjoyed my visit here and will be back ~Natalie

  9. How sweet! I am a follower and have had your blog on my favorite list for a long time now. I love keeping up with all of your fun! You have a great blog! What I liked best when I found your blog....your banner!

  10. I am a follower, and so glad to be entered!
    I do know what you mean about being thankful enough to do a give-away! I try to do the same thing-because I really am so thankful!
    Great idea!

  11. I have never anything seen like this... so very very cute!...I love the matching up socks square! xoxxo

  12. FIrst off, I LOVE your blog! I'm really glad to "meet" you here in blogland - it's always nice to meet a new friend, especially one I have so much in common with. I think that magnet is adorable! And how practical too! Take care~ Kim

  13. You mean just for being your friend and for leaving comments on your blog, I have an opportunity to win this cute magnet board? What a blessing! Thank you, I would love to have this in my home. I like the new blog decor you have.

  14. Found your blog through another I follow and love it! And what a cool idea for your followers. I'll for sure stay on the list (O:

  15. What a darling giveaway, and a perfect way to give thanks to all your friends. Good Luck everyone (:
    ox, Sis Diane

  16. Well how can I resist becoming a follower now? It's nice to have a chance to win something so cute simply for visiting someplace so cute. Thanks! Please stop by and visit me as well.

  17. Hi Carrie, it is so nice to meet you ! Thank you for stopping by and for following me ! I am going to follow you too .

    Cute giveaway !

  18. Darling idea! I know how you feel.I'm a brand new blogger and when someone follows me it makes my heart jump! I'm having my first giveaway but never thought to just give randomly each month. Great idea!

  19. Hi Carrrie,
    That is so sweet to have a monthly giveaway for your followers :) You are so kind.
    Deb :)

  20. Great give-away...thanks for the visit and comment...you have a awesome blog!


  21. What a great idea for a giveaway

    Victoria x

  22. Thanks so much for posting on my blog and becoming a follower. Those toys brought back some great memories.


  23. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. Especially for it being such a wise thought. :-)

    What a pretty blog you have here! I shall return.

    Gentle hugs,
    Aunt Amelia

  24. Those illustrations are fantastic!
    What a nice giveaway♥

  25. Back again, it seems...

    I know this is OT, and I don't do this often but.. Would you please go to this entry in my blog, and scroll to the bottom of it.

    A blogger is suffering through a long bout of her husband being hospitalized and... Another sweet blogger told me of her sadness. We both are asking people to go [her link is there] leave her a comment of good wishes.




    And a big Thank You!

    Gentle hugs,
    Aunt Amelia

  26. Dearest Carrie~
    You certainly have a generous soul! What a thoughtful gift for one of your followers :)
    Thank you for wishing Nancy and Alex a Happy Anniversary! AuntAmelie and I are hoping this will cheer them both with our prayers and good wishes for another year together and for his continued progress. I'll keep you posted ;)

  27. Thanks for visiting my blog Carrie and I loved your little quote you left me!

    I'm from Southern Cali, had my first flower shop in Laguna Beach, moved to Oregon when I was 22, had multiple flower shopes in Corvallis and Albany, moved to Ely, MN about 10 years ago and now live in Mankato, Mn, which is south central. I love it here but still miss the Oregon rain!

    I think I have a bit of gypsy in me!
    Take care and thanks for participating in my giveaway!

  28. Hey Carrie! Thanks for stopping by. Sometimes I wonder if anyone is reading my blog :-) I love blogging!! Big warm hugs!

  29. Hi Carrie,

    Thank you for stopping by and wishing us a happy anniversary.

    Great minds think alike. I have a monthly giveaway going on too!


  30. How sweet of you and I love the prize too, adorable! Have a great week!

  31. What a fun giveaway. Very nice. I'll keep my fingures crossed.

  32. This is a great idea and how thoughtful of you!

    I'm having a "delicious" giveaway. Bring us a dessert over and tell a friend.

  33. what wonderful giveaway. You are a sweetie. Hugs, Linda


It warms my heart to see you have taken the time to leave me a message here...If you are new here I will be sure to stop by and visit...and for my friends...I will pop over a see what you are doing too♥

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