October 8, 2009

More than just toys...

Toys from our past,
Hold memories that last.
Each decade brings a new delight,
Barbie & Ken and Penny Brite.

Afternoons spent cutting paper dolls with friends,
Then watching Dolly Dressmaker while she mends.
Tinkertoy swings,
Creepy Crawler Things...
Easy Bake Ovens and Teddy Bear Lovins'

There were Blocks and Trolls & Cabbage Patch,
Hens that would lay eggs that would really hatch!
Charming Chatty would talk to me,
and my Viewmaster held so many places to see.

Lincoln Log Houses, Mickey Mouses,
Mystery Date to find your mate!
Clue & Life & Dominoes,
Fashion Dolls to dress & pose.

And though they may be broken and missing their parts,
Each one has a special place in each of our hearts!

Toys may indeed be from our past... but oh their memories, they sure hold fast.

Here are a "few" (I think I got carried away)...of my toys...Do they bring back some memories for you? I am hoping to find my red-haired and freckled faced "Charming Chatty" doll that I used to have some day! Little records slipped in her side to make her talk.
What toys do you fondly remember?

Enjoy the tour...

I have many more toys to share...perhaps another day...Barbie Dream House, Little People,
My Little Ponies......


  1. Wow Thanks for a walk down memory lane
    I had many of these when I was a kid!!

  2. Wow what a fun post. I remember many of those. I loved playing chinese checkers and paperdolls too.

  3. so much fun! did you write that poem? very good if you did!
    I was a barbie doll girl.. and baby dolls like, tiny tears. I also played with mrs. beasly and little kiddles. and I collected tiny things, like toys out of cracker jacks and other little things that my barbies could play with!
    neat post!
    have a great weekend!

  4. Great post, Carrie!! I remember so many because there were seven of us children, so we had quite a number of toys and games between us (and many playing partners!). How nice that you saved all this!!


  5. how fun...i had a few of those myself!!!

  6. Fun stuff, Carrie! some of those toys look very familar. ☺

    Every year at Christmas, I would get a new bake set. I loved those tiny boxes of cake mix and mini cupcake pans! I've always had a SWEET tooth! ♥

  7. Oh, I wish I could find some of those old card games! What fun we had! And I still have my view master and have collected a lot of Golden books. I LOVE old toys and have such wonderful memories! It's fun seeing your special collection! Can I come over and play?

  8. Wow....I love all these vintage toys of yours...what a wonderful collection you have! Yes...some bring back many memories! Thanks for this lovely post.Happy Weekend to you!

  9. what a wonderful collection of toys! I always loved view masters!

  10. What a great post Carrie! I love thinking back on childhood memories. I was a huge Barbie, paper dolls and fisher price's little people gal! Although I still have a few things...I have had fun buying back some of my old doll from Ebay. They have been so much fun to collect.
    Have a great weekend,

  11. Carrie--
    What fun was that. I forgot about Mr. Peanut--I never had one but I do remember him.
    Thanks for the fun tour.


  12. some I don't recognize..but I remember playing cootie and loved that game..:)

  13. What a fun post! I had forgotten all bout Cootie..my kids LOVED that one! And Mr. Peanut..yeeeeah..that one's not too disgusting, huh?! :-)

  14. Those are all yours!?!?! I am impressed! Where is your Flintstones play set with the little cave houses? I had one...wish I would have kept it!

  15. Oh yeah! That was fun; I really enjoyed the TOYS! So glad I popped over for a first visit today.

  16. Oh the memories. What fun we had. Sharon

  17. I remember the Tinkertoys and Old Maid, but my favorite memory was my Easy Bake Oven. I remember baking the most hideous little cakes and my dad always ate them. Thanks for bringing back those memories.

  18. I love collecting vintage toys (on my old blog Vintage Tea I did a post about my childhood toys).

    I have the Strawberry Shortcake and my SIL has been buying vintage Mickey Mouse toys to display in my nephews room

    Victoria xx

  19. OMGosh...those brought back such happy childhood memories!!



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