June 26, 2024

Dollar Tree "Pop-Bys"

The other day when I "popped" into my local Dollar Tree they had
these fun 4th of July poppers on the shelf.
 I immediately snagged some up to use for my husband's business.

As a Real Estate Broker, he and his team love to "pop by" their client's homes 
to say hello and drop off wishes for the season! 

 I knew these would make a perfect little gift!

So I wrapped them up, tucked their business cards inside,
 (in case they weren't home) and finished them off with a handmade tag.

I love how they turned out!
Happy 4th
Hope your "staying cozy...



  1. Great marketing idea! So great so see you post again.

  2. What a great idea! I was just there, but missed seeing them. I may pop in tomorrow and try to get some for the 4th!

  3. What a great idea. Hope your July 4th is a happy and safe one.

  4. What a brilliant idea! And they turned out so cute. Blessings on your summer fellow Carrie. ;) xoxo

  5. First of all....this is a great find. What a clever idea to use these for your husband's business. You really did a great job.

  6. I use to buy popper for New Years eve every year for my kids when they were young. It was so much fun for them. Those July 4th ones are so festive! Janice


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