April 14, 2009

Easter has Come & Gone...

Here is all that is left of Easter...well at least all that is left of the bunnies & eggs...baskets & goodies.
We tried the "Martha Stewart" silk egg dying...
It worked pretty well, but I am sure she used all brand new silk that had never been laundered or cleaned...because some of our eggs were not as bright as hers.
But it was a fun new craft...as we all (my four daughters, my niece and several friends) gathered around the kitchen island and experimented together (sorry no pics)!
It was however, difficult to find a glass or enamel pan at the last minute. I certainly didn't have one. One of my neighbors pulled through for us.
We had an indoor Easter Basket Hunt...a table filled with good food...family, friends and even karaoke!
And although all that fun came to an end... Easter is really just the beginning...the beginning of the new life offered to us through the sacrifice of Jesus himself. A renewed heart, a fresh beginning and a life of peace and joy.
Easter is a wonderful celebration! A celebration that need not ever end!
Happy Easter and many blessings to all!


  1. Well I bet you all had a wonderful time, we had loads of food. Each family was sent home with food. We skipped the egg coloring this year!
    Hugs & Kisses, Diane

  2. Hi there Carrie!
    Thought I would pop in and say hello...and I'm so glad I did! Lots of lovely things here to look at :) I think my favourite is that yummy cowboy flannel fabric! Surely a grandson must be somewhere in your future.
    Thanks for visiting xxx

  3. Happy to hear your Easter was full of family, good food and lots of fun ...we alway dye eggs as well..our egg colors turned out very bold and bright this year...

  4. Hi Carrie,
    Sounds like you had a great Easter. Don't you just love spending the Holidays with family!
    My daughter and I dyed 15 dozen eggs for my work. We have a breakfast area in the Hotel and my boss thought it would be fun to offer the guest Easter dyed eggs for breakfast each morning instead of the regular white hard boiled eggs. Everyone love them! They were a hit but now I'm wondering how to get the dye out from under my finger nails... and how was I choosen for this job! : )
    Have a great day,

  5. Gotta love the post-Easter deviled eggs!! Always a hit here...egg salad, too!

    I'm so glad you had such a nice Easter!! Ours was different, but quite lovely!!

    We're busy getting ready for the bridal shower here on Saturday! Sunday morning will be wonderful...the craziness will be over!! It's all good, though. I love planning events!!

    Blessings to you, friend,

  6. sorry it's me again!.....just wanted to tell you to check out my blog....an award is waiting for you!!!xoxo

  7. Glad you had a great Easter! I wanted to try the silk egg dying - it is on my list for next year - glad that you found it to be effective.


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