January 24, 2024

All thumbs...

My daughter, Lauren really wanted some thumbprint cookies 
when she was visiting from Miami. 
She has to eat gluten-free/dairy free and I was determined to make her some.
 I found this wonderful recipe...so good in fact, 
I will always make them gluten free. they were delicious.

I made her a batch while she was visiting 
and then another to take to the airport.

Since she loved them so much I made some more, 
packaged them up, 
and gave them to two of my "gluten free" friends!

Here's the recipe:

2 cups almond flour (or 1+1 almond/coconut flour)
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
3 tablespoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons honey or agave syrup
A bit of water as needed  (if dough is dry)
1/4 cup raspberry jam (or flavor of your choice)
Combine all ingredients to form dough.
Scoop 1 tablespoon batter on parchment lined cookie sheet. 
(I used a small cookie scooper)
Press thumb into the center of each cookie to form the indentation.
Bade at 350 degrees for 8-10 mins. 
Cool before removing cookies from cookie sheet.

Stay Cozy,


  1. What a sweet gesture! Now I'm missing my own mother all over again.

  2. The cookies look so Yummy. And you did a nice job packaging them up with the box, bow, and card. Such a thoughtful gift. I've heard of these thumbprint cookies, and I want to try them sometime.


  3. These thumbprint cookies look so tasty. So sweet of you to find a recipe that would work for your daughter. I know she appreciated this and certainly appreciated the cookies.

  4. Thanks for sharing this with us. The cookies look delicious. I am so glad you are posting again. Have a blessed day.

  5. Do you add the jam after baking or bake it along with the cookies?

    Deanna Rabe
    Creekside Cottage

  6. Since I am dairy free and my daughter is gluten free (allergy), I am going to try making these here at Willow's Cottage. Thanks for the recipe!

  7. Those look good. Sounds like you had a nice visit. Thanks for the recipe.

  8. Deanna - you add the jam before you bake them - it gets all warm and gooey..

  9. Hi, thank you for sharing the recipe with us. :-)

  10. Thumb print cookies are delicious. It's been years since I've made one. Usually it was in Dec. I will use the recipe at some time especially if a friend comes to our house that needs to be gluten free and no dairy. Thanks for your comments on my posts. I know where Tualatin is as I've been in that area for shopping. Sometimes at Fred Meyer.

  11. Delicious looking cookies. I have a sister with Celiac disease and I look for gluten free options when she comes to visit. Thanks for sharing.


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