January 30, 2024

Tea Party for One...

A couple of weeks ago, like so many others,
we had a snowstorm which quickly turned into an ice storm. 
It was "iffy" to leave the house unless you had to...
 and only if you had a 4-wheel drive vehicle!
So we hunkered down at home where
I decided to make these little (3.5" purse size) "scripture card/tea holders"
for the ladies in my Bible study group...just for fun!
And it was fun... 

Folding, cutting, trimming and glueing the double-sided printed papers ...

Sizing and printing the scripture cards on glossy cardstock paper.

And thinking of how I might be praying for each of the ladies during the storm.

And of course tucking a Jasmine Green tea bag into the little loop.

It was definitely a "labor of love"!

Stay Cozy,



  1. Those are so cute. You are very talented. Have a great week.

  2. I have never heard of these, and they are beyond cool!! How did you learn how to make them, is there a website?

  3. Perfect!! How beautiful! But how scary it is to leave your home. Fortunately, all is well!

  4. Oh my - these are just darling Carrie! So clever and so very sweet. And I love the actual prayers attached most. You're such a sweetheart. 🙏🏻 You share all of your gifts. 😉 Absolutely love these!!

  5. I can't imagine living in snowstorms such as you have. Best to hunker down and enjoy some pretty creating. Those little purses to hold a scripture card and teabag are so pretty. How nice to open the flap and read a bible verse for the day while drinking a hot cuppa. Just lovely.

  6. These card holders are such a thoughtful gift, Carrie. I love what that middle card says, and it's so true. This is a handmade gift of love and care, and you did a great job on them. And praying for each of the ladies is the best gift of all. That jasmine green tea sounds really nice.


  7. Always best to hunker down in a snowstorm when you can. Great project you crafted. Janice

  8. I love them! And I love hunkering down during snowstorms!

  9. How sweet to do for your Bible study ladies. A great way to spend time during a snowstorm.

  10. They are simply delightful. What a lovely and thoughtful gift. Xx

  11. Left a message on here earlier, but it may have got eaten up. These note holders are so special, Carrie. What a thoughtful gift for the ladies in your Bible Study. I love what the middle scripture card says. And the jasmine green tea sounds delightful. These note holders are very special, and made with love and care.


    1. Thanks, Sheri...all of a sudden your previous comment came in...blogger??

  12. I love doing crafts during a snowstorm too. :-)


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