September 12, 2024

Blessings all-around!

Well, I made it back to Miami just in time to welcome this little cutie into the world. 
Stilla was born on July 5th via C-section and my husband and I 
were able to stay for three weeks to visit and help out!

 Her 2-year-old sister, Lini, was a bit hesitant about this
new little person
joining their family...

But soon warmed up to the idea.

Especially when she knew she was going to have some special Grandma/Grandpa time
filled with playdoh, painting, new toys and treats!

Isn't life just filled with blessings!
Stay Cozy my friends...



  1. Carrie! Congratulations!!! What a beautiful addition to your family. Big sister is precious too! I remember when I had my C-sections, and my parents came to stay. Those were the best weeks for us all! Glad to see you here!

  2. Congratulations on the new cutie in your life! We had a new grandson born via C-section on Aug 15, so these two are close in age.

  3. They are both gorgeous! You are very blessed.

  4. Congratulations on your new granddaughter! What a joy they are and your photo with baby is just beautiful. Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a lovely blog here for me to explore.

  5. Hello Carrie. Congratulations on the safe arrival of your beautiful new granddaughter. Wishing you lots of hugs and cuddles with all your grand children.
    Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a lovely weekend.

  6. Congratulations on your new grandchild. It was good that you were able to be there and help at this time. The baby is a cutie and so his the big sister.

  7. So sweet! Congratulations on the birth of Stilla. How wonderful that you got to spend three weeks with them and got to play with Lini. They are both adorable.

  8. Oh how sweet! Both of them are adorable!

  9. How precious he is, Carrie. So happy for you and the family. When a baby is born, it says all is right in the world. It's fun being a grandma. Welcome to the world, Stilla. : )


  10. Congrats on the new family member, such a sweetie as is your granddaughter, a blessing to be a grandparent

  11. How wonderful to spend time with your family with a newborn baby and another little one to have fun with. Congratulations!

  12. such a beautiful name for this little one. Congratulations. Glad you made it back in time to for the Birth. Have a great weekend.


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