February 11, 2009

My "One World-One Heart" Quilt

Can you believe this quilt? It is totally representative of the "One World-One Heart" Giveaway that culminates tonight. If you are unaware of this special blog event...it is the creation of Lisa Swifka from A Whimsical Bohemian. Her dream was to host an event that would foster the making of friendships from around the world. There were at least 911 participants, each hosting a unique giveaway. Even if you were only able to visit a dozen or so bloggers - that's at least twelve new friends! What a fun and inspiring event! Thank you, Lisa! And don't let the fun end with this event...keep visiting new blogs and meeting new people! You never know who you might meet!
This quilt could be a lovely reminder to you of this fun annual Blog Event!

I found this wonderful quilt, somehow given up by its maker, and I am offering it for sale.
If I could have created a quilt in honor of this event...I don't think I could have done a better job! It is just awesome how representative this quilt is! The use of the blue patterned fabrics truly represents the blue world globe on the One World-One Heart Logo and then of course there is the One Red Heart near the center! This is a gorgeous quilt, made with quality cotton fabrics and beautifully machine quilted in a heart, swirl and star pattern. It is a handmade one of a kind creation! Measuring approx 46" X 60", this is a darling lap quilt and would look so nice at the end of your bed or draped over a couch or chair!
I am offering this quilt here on my blog for only $65.00 to the first buyer!
Please contact me if you would like to purchase it. Payment can be made via Paypal.

If it is not sold by Saturday I will list it in my Etsy Shop.

Congratulations to all the lucky winners of those fab giveaways!!!!
They will all be announced Thursday!


  1. what a pretty quilt! the stitching is amazing!

  2. What a beautiful Quilt and what great timing!
    Hugs & Kisses, Diane

  3. I would love to have it, but being retired and on limited income, I can't afford it.
    Nancy in North Carolina

  4. Such a pretty quilt! You are right, it fits the idea of OWOH perfectly! Thank you for the comment on my Aunt by Heart post. I am so jealous that you are an aunt so many, many times over! Lucky you! ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic


It warms my heart to see you have taken the time to leave me a message here...If you are new here I will be sure to stop by and visit...and for my friends...I will pop over a see what you are doing too♥

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