February 26, 2009

Oh Those '70's Babies...Vintage Fabric Panel Giveaway.

You can win one of these vintage/retro '70's "cheater' quilt panels.
So...''70's retro...
This fabric has got to bring back some memories...that is unless you are under thirty? Perhaps you actually had a blankie similar to this.
This cheater quilt fabric just screams 1970.
I remember some of my cousins coming home from the hospital wrapped in blankets that looked just like this. The colors, the print...so '70's baby nursery. My first child was born 1981...just missed the seventies.
I got the whole bolt of this quilt panel fabric at a sale! Couldn't pass it up.
Of course being "pure" 1970's era , it is 50% cotton 50% polyester.
Hey that polyester washes up great! It's in perfect condition too.
Do you remember this fabric?

Just leave me a comment to have a chance to win this quilt panel. No need to go to my etsy shop or anywhere else...just glad you stopped by to say hello. Maybe you have a memory of a nursery print of the seventies you would like to share?

I'll announce the winner on Saturday, March 7th.
For more chances to win just comment on any of my blog posts during the coming week.
I will add another chance for each time you stop by.
Thanks for visiting!
Good Luck!


  1. Oh yes very 70's my daughter was a 70's baby like you would not be able to tell by her name "Breezy" That is darling fabric and a whole bolt what fun! Count me in.
    (: Love, Sis

  2. Hi Carrie love to see you stopping by and guess what i born in year 1982 hehe! The fabric just make me feel cozy and lovely! Hope i'm the lucky one to win *TEEHEE*


  3. those are really sweet...i don't remember any nursery themes from the 70s, all of my younger cousins were born then, but i just can't picture any of that in my head...

  4. i barely made it into the 70's category... 79 to be exact! but i don't remember this print. i do however remember my holly hobby printed sheets and i do still have my little holly hobby doll from when i was a wee little one. :)

  5. hi carrie,

    i just popped over via my faerie window. your blog header is adorable!!!

    take care,

  6. I clearly remember this style of prints from the 70's. I mostly remember that the design characteristics of baby layettes at the time were rather simple and chunky animal prints, sort of in a whimsical color book style. My niece was born at the tail end of the 70's and I'm pretty sure that she had a blanket similar in design.
    Take care!

  7. I love fabric and this is very pretty. I do remember the 70s fabrics but can't think of any particular print.

  8. I was born in the 1980's (and am the oldest child in my family) so I can't remember any of the 70s fabrics myself, but I do remember seeing similar fabrics at my cousins', who were some years older than me. And I love these prints! :-)

  9. i'm too young to remember the 70s but i still think that is adorable!

  10. I was born in 78, so I don't remember this fabric, but I absolutely love it!!

  11. Well, I was born in 1979, so I don't have many memories, but the stuff in the photos is adorable! I love the vintage worn look of 70's fabric designs.

  12. 1971 here! so i am truly a 70's baby and had the full on wardrobe and quilt to boot! i love it!

    elkesten at yahoo dot com

  13. Well I dont remember the 70's since I was an 80's baby :) But I still think its beautiful! And I'd love to be entered thank you!

  14. Fabric is always a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

  15. Hey
    Appreciate it for this post, I will be extremely thankful to find out these kinds of fantastic information.
    Thank you!


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